Fulfillment Requires Experience

How does one live a life of fulfillment? Don’t fall in love with boredom ~ experience life!  Coach Lucy    The beautiful artwork above is by my friend, KIM KRAMER.  website. Life isn’t always fair but there are many great lessons and wisdom to be learned in every situation.  Change your thinking, change your life. … Continue reading Fulfillment Requires Experience

Self Reliancy

  Many people are greatly disappointed in life because they’ve bought into the distorted IMAGES, MOVIES and ADVERTISEMENTS of life, present it as “perfect” or at the very least, “simple and lacking personal responsibility”.  Life is messy and your attitude and reactions make an impact on your well-being and the well-being of others. Rather than… Continue reading Self Reliancy



How you do anything is how you do everything.  When I started TCOY Wellness, I decided to share and coach my “take care of you” philosophy and lifestyle which is centered around having a WARRIOR mindset.

My Racquetball Warriors embrace my mantra “I PLAY. I WIN.” as it represents the fact that because you are active and playing, you are a winner. The same holds true for my TCOY Wellness Warriors, health is determined by your actions or lack of actions. Life isn’t meant to be spent sitting on the sidelines!

Life isn’t easy.  Anything of value won’t come easy.  Rather than seeing things as “problems”, see them as “challenges” and “opportunities for growth”!  Put on the mental and emotional armor of a WARRIOR knowing you were designed with a purpose.  Faith, courage and strength will destroy fear and doubt. Focus on what you WANT, not what you don’t want.  Be PASSIONATE!

Suit up my fellow WARRIOR. Your life is calling you!  Time won’t be given to you for this task, you have to claim it.  Coach Lucy

Revive the Warrior Within

by Sean Diedel

Do you remember that feeling? That one deep inside that you used to know that now seems only a distant dream? The fire that once burned deep within you that longs to make a difference; to change the world; to be somebody? It’s been long since snuffed out under the cold reality of being caged up at the office hour upon hour, or pounding the streets just hoping to make that last sale, all in attempt to scratch out a decent living so you can hope to somehow enjoy this life.

Make no mistake about it. You are at war! At war with the world. At war against even what is within you. If you weren’t then life would be easy. Yes, you are a warrior! But now you feel that the warrior that once was is now replaced by the driven side of you aching to get ahead, or the complacency that’s kept you a prisoner because the world says it’s what you have to do. The world says that only the strong survive. Somehow we’ve attributed this to mean that if we can’t make it on our own we are not strong enough to survive, so we bow down to the defeat of a meaningless life.

Every day you spend not being whom you were meant to be, means you die inside a little more. Well it’s high time to revive that warrior, to train him, to sharpen his sword and ready him for battle! But how? That man is long dead and gone. Wrong! Here’s how you can let him out and keep him out:

  1. Know Who You Are – You cannot do anything before you know who you are. I mean what you were made for, what you are made of. This is a lot more than just taking the latest personality test to find out what kind of person you are. No, this is a deep and soulful search for the true you. In a noisy world that is screaming at you what you should be it’s tough to hear, but it’s there. Your name plays a big part in who you are. This subject could be an entire book, but within your name you will find not only your meaning in life, but your mission. Every great warrior has a great mission and it stems from more than just superficiality. It is about something or someone that is higher than you. Find this and there will be no stopping you! There is no set of steps I can tell you that explains how to do this. But when you do the next step, you’ll begin to know.
  2. Face Your Fears – Fears are keeping you from being who you were meant to be. If you listen to them you will get a clue of what you should be doing because your fears are designed to send you in the opposite direction. Fear means you run away from whatever is attacking you. Your enemy is trying to keep you from winning and uses scare tactics. Discover your fears, and trace them in the reverse direction and you will find that warrior within.
  3. Know Your Enemies –You must know what and who is truly fighting against you and what or who you need to ally with. This means you look deeper within to see what is real and not basing it upon actions taken on you. It means understanding their intentions for you. Actions don’t always reveal someone’s intentions against you because we live in a world of facades where we want people to think differently about us than we feel about us inside. It can be hard to discern between someone who is attacking you to hide their true self from you and someone who is truly attacking you. It’s all in their intentions. If you can trace the actions back to core of that person or thing and it truly stands in opposition to you, you’ve found an enemy.
  4. Stand Up and Fight –Though they may be hidden deep within you, the passions you have are there for a reason. The world will tell you that you can’t do that which is deep within you. They are just silly childish desires that you need to learn to ignore when you get older. It will tell you that you should just conform to the way things are and not rock the boat. You know the conversation. You’ve had many of them your whole life. Me too. But a warrior doesn’t walk up to his enemy and bow down and lay his sword on the ground before them. If he does he knows his head is going to get lopped off. No, a warrior walks up to his enemy, spits in his face and says “How you dare defy the very being of who I am!”, then raises up his sword and goes into fierce battle. You have to stand up for what you know deep within you is real and means something. I’m not talking about that latest charity or philanthropic venture you’ve been thinking about. Remember, this is much deeper than you or anyone else. What you stand for is at the very core of who you are and how you were made. If you have trouble finding it the world will lose the only one that could have completed the mission you were meant to complete. No one else in the world is capable of performing your mission. No one. When you find the thing that no one else can do, then you have found what you’re looking for. Then stand up and fight for it!
  5. Realize You Are Not Alone –Hollywood is full of movies where there is just one hero or one warrior who takes down the forces of evil by himself. It’s captivating no doubt. Let’s be honest. When you see those heroes in action isn’t there something deep down inside of you that longs to be like that? To have that kind of bravery, strength and courage? Of course! It’s exciting! But you have to realize that working alone only works in the movies. In reality a warrior does not typically win a battle but a band of warriors will! Your reality is more like the movie 300, a group of people that come together each strong unto themselves, but together producing massive strength, courage and ultimately honor that cannot be produced alone. You are not alone. There are many warriors out there, and they are all hurt just like you. Yes, you do have to be strong enough to stand on your own, but you can’t be alone and win. That’s how you get hurt. You have to band together with like-minded warriors, lock shields and do this thing together. It won’t work any other way.
  6. Give Away Honor – As I mentioned before, a warrior does not fight for himself but for something much deeper than that. Otherwise he fights a meaningless battle, probably much like the one you’re currently facing. When you stand and fight together with a band of warriors and you win a battle, don’t forget where the honor truly lies. It lies with the entire group, with everyone who spoke into your life to strengthen and train your warrior; it lies within the higher calling that brought you this mission and to victory. Be proud and stand tall as a warrior, but give away any honor to those where it is due. If you do, you will always have warriors that stand ready to do battle with you again.

I promise if you will commit to these steps you will revive that warrior inside of you that is dying to be unleashed. Even if you don’t feel like he’s there anymore, he will begin to surface when you engage in this process, believe me. It’ll be like waking a sleeping giant. We were made to be warriors. So be bold, be courageous and revive the warrior within you. Regardless of what they may say, the world needs it. Your family needs it. You need it.

The Warrior

The Warrior longs to be free

The Warrior that hides deep within me

The world says he’s long been dead

But I know he’s merely sleeping instead

With revelry I scream and shout

“Warrior, come forth, it’s time to come out!”

Show the world who you are

Your wound was not fatal but merely a scar

Even the noblest have been hurt

But I will not stay in the dirt

I will not be the one who died

Not reviving the warrior inside

Image source: www.fanpop.com


The Bottom Line

While not all companies have the space, time or monetary resources, to institute an all-inclusive wellness program, there are plenty of ways to get a wellness program started, even in a small company. In the end, wellness programs are shown to actually save companies money, boost morale and raise productivity. Every company, both large and small can stand to have revenue saved, morale boosted and productivity raised. In the end, it is a win-win situation.


If you do nothing, it’s a matter of “when” not “if” a crisis situation will arise.  Healthcare issues did not develop overnight, nor will they go away overnight.  My TCOY Wellness Warrior Training develops the mindset and lifestyle of a champion. 

Battles and challenges are inevitable in life; how you deal with them is what makes all the difference.  Stress isn’t bad.  Change isn’t bad.  Both are opportunities for growth. If nothing changes, nothing changes.  Allow me to train the warrior within you.

The greatest gift you can give yourself and others is to Take Care of You!  If you don’t take care of your body, where will you live?

Become a TCOY Warrior!  Contact me regarding my training programs and speaking engagements.  Coach Lucy


Life Expectancy & Health Spending

Our health care spending is like no other country–but our life expectancy is also middling. You can see that in this chart, where the United States spending on health care charted against life expectancy pretty much looks like no other country out there. “While life expectancy in the United States used to be one year… Continue reading Life Expectancy & Health Spending

The Spirit of the Two Wolves

Every day we all hear two voices from within struggling to win our attention.  Which one wins?  The one you feed.  Take a moment and enjoy this two-minute audio of the story a grandfather tells his curious grandson.  TCOY = Take Care of You! ~ LIVE WELL BY CHOOSING TO  FEEDING THE RIGHT WOLF ~… Continue reading The Spirit of the Two Wolves

The Aging Mirror

  The Gray Mirror According to Ideo, studies have shown that when confronted with artificially aged photographs of themselves, young people are more willing to save for retirement or adopt healthier behaviors. Designed by Ideo Boston, the Gray Mirror is a concept that allows younger folks to see themselves fast-forwarded, displaying positive messages about aging… Continue reading The Aging Mirror

Life is Like A Box of Chocolates…

I figured the picture quote above would get your attention. Laugh often…it’s good for your well-being. Remember the movie “Forrest Gump”? The movie depicts numerous stories of triumph during Forrest’s challenging life. One of the famous lines from the movie was, “Life is like a box of chocolates…you never know what your gonna get.” It’s… Continue reading Life is Like A Box of Chocolates…